Patrick Phillips - Recent Works
Thank you for your interest in my art and for taking the time to look me up. Most of my work is done with acrylics on canvas, but I also enjoy working with charcoal on paper for more graphic results. Some of my recent words are located in the galleries below - each piece can be viewed in its entirety by clicking on the image. Below each one I have included the size and title, which, most of the time, is "untitled". Since many of my paintings are abstracts or abstract landscapes, I believe it is an important aspect of the finished work for the viewer to form his or her own thoughts and associations with the work. I usually have several pieces of varying sizes for sale at a time, but if you'd like something you don't see here, I would be happy to talk about working on a commissioned piece as well. For current price and availability, just contact me by email or by using the form at the end of this page here for a quote. And for those of you who are interested, I have collected some photos of the art that I have had the honor to have placed in your homes and at your work. Just continue to the end of the page to see that section.
Still have a question? Just send me a note here.